Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Watch Me Grow

Over the last 7 plus months my belly has gone through some changes! I have included pictures for all to see. The first picture was taken around 17 weeks. The second picture was taken on March 17th (St. Patties Day). Of course baby and I dressed in green that day. The third picture was taken this past weekend (April 26th) at my baby shower in Indianapolis. I am amazed at the growth over the past month! I am now almost 33 weeks along. I cannot believe that we are only 7 weeks away from meeting our little girl.

Being pregnant has been a wonderful experience. The baby's movements are more human like now - compared the the little flutters I felt early on. I have gotten a few good kicks from her lately. Sometimes I think she is doing somersaults. She is still moving all of the time. She lets me know that I am invading her space when I sit to close to my desk at work.

One neat thing lately has been the hiccups. I noticed them last week for the first time. I had to put my hand on my belly to really feel them. They lasted for a good 10 minutes. About 8 minutes in, she went nuts - moving all over the place. The hiccups stopped shortly after all of the movement. Apparently she was done with the hiccups! Yesterday, I did not have to put my hand on my belly to feel the hiccups. My entire belly shook every few seconds. Feeling the hiccups makes the pregnancy feel more real.

Since week 26 I have had Andrew help me measure my belly. I have gone from being 40 inches round to 42 inches. Tonight we will measure the belly again. I predict some major growth. Of course we had to measure Quincy's belly at week 26 as well. I had him beat by about 4 inches. Poor puppy has gained some pregnancy weight with me.

Enjoy the pictures.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Ultra Sound Pictures - 20 weeks along

At our 20 week check up (almost 9 weeks ago) we were able to see these precious pictures of our little baby girl. They are kind of hard to figure out so I will assist. :) The top left picture shows her feet (which are enlarged). Picture 2 is the verification that we are having a baby girl. Picture 3 is a great view of her mouth. If you look closely you can see her lips. Picture 4 is a view of her head.
Unfortunately, we were not able to get a cute side picture. She was rather active and stubborn that day. She was most comfortable on her belly.