Baby Grace has arrived! One week earlier then expected. She was born on Saturday, June 14th at 12:38pm. Grace weighed 7lbs and 4oz and was 20 and 1/2 inches long. I ended up having to be induced due to developing preeclampsia. After waiting all day for a labor room to come available, Andrew and I were finally moved to the room around 4pm Friday afternoon. I was admitted to the hospital around 10am Friday morning and spent most of the day hooked up to a heart monitor for the baby and contraction belt. I was induced around 6:45am on Saturday morning and Grace was born about 6 hours later. Things progressed much faster then the nurses or doctor thought. The doctor was at home and had to be called. She did not think that I would have Grace until Saturday evening. I went from being dilated from a 4 to a 10 in about an hour and a half. The delivery process was not at all painful thanks to the epidural.
Having Grace was a blessing and an awesome experience to watch. The entire labor process was not as bad as I thought it was going to be. Seeing that beautiful baby made every moment of morning sickness, heart burn, swollen feet, labor pains, and all of the other joys of being pregnant totally worth it. She is a wonderful miracle from God.
Having Grace around has been quite an adjustment for Andrew and I. As you can tell with this post being over three weeks late.....Grace takes up a lot of my free time. :) She is a lot of fun, but can be quite demanding. :) It was wonderful having Andrew home the first two weeks while we adjusted from going from a family of two to a family of three. He has been and continues to be a huge help and encouragement to me. I have had the baby blues a little and can get cranky due to a lack of sleep.
Big brother Quincy has been a great dog. He was curious of Grace at first, but now she is old news. He will give her a few licks every once in a while and looks concerned when she cries. Other then that he pretty much ignores her. As she gets older, I am sure they will become best buddies.
I will continue to post updates and pictures of Grace as she grows. Thanks for sharing in this special moment with us.
Andrew, Jennifer, and Grace