Friday, May 31, 2013

The Remainder of March highlights through Pictures.

Grace's pre-school class took a Field trip to a Zionsville Fire Station.  The fireman demonstrated what he would look like when entering a home that was on fire.  The kids were taught to not be afraid of the fireman.  Instead they were told that "fireman love hugs!" 

Kaitlyn taking it all in.  She was a little unsure of the fireman in his uniform.

Grace and her friends listening to the fireman.  

Yes, that is SNOW in MARCH.  We received about 8 inches a week before Easter.  

The girls had a fun time playing in the snow while daddy used the snow blower!  

 Kaitlyn enjoying some candy after the Neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt. 

Kaitlyn found a Chocolate Easter Bunny in her Easter basket!

Kaitlyn & Grace smiling for mom in their Easter dresses!

Grace smiling with both hands in her Easter basket.

Aunt Leslie, Grace, & Kaitlyn on Easter Sunday.  Grace decided that her light pink dress was a little too much to wear all day.  Kaitlyn decided that she wanted to wear her dress all day.  Gotta love their different personalities!

Grandma Minnie, Grace, Kaitlyn, & Mommy on Easter Sunday.  This was the last picture we have with Grandma Minnie.  She went to be with the Lord and Grandma Tracy on May 15th.  We miss her dearly and long for the day when we will be reunited again.  

Another first for Grace.....Bowling!

On March 23rd, Grace had the opportunity to go bowling for the first time with her best friend, Melanie.  The girls had a blast and managed to almost beat their moms!  Of course the bumper pads may have had something to do with their stellar scores.  The girls didn't receive too many gutter balls, but it did take a few minutes for the bowling ball to reach the pins!  Angie (Mel's mom) and I had a great time watching the girls stand side by side each time they bowled.   What a fun evening.  I even had the score card printed out for Grace's scrapbook.

Grace tossing the ball down the lane.

Grace and Melanie watching the ball "slowly" make it's way down the lane.  Both super excited to see how many pins they knocked down.

The ball finally makes it to the pins...even knocking a few down!  Good Job Grace!

One happy girl!  She is excited for an oppotunity to try bowling again.  Maybe daddy and Kaitlyn can join us next time.

The Magic Kingdom -

In early March we went to Orlando Florida for a week!  It had been quite a while since we had taken a break from the craziness of life and just had some good family fun!  We joined my Aunt Leslie, Uncle Eric, & their children in Orlando.  Aunt Lindsay also came along for the fun!  We spent almost every day at the pool.  A trip to Downtown Disney and the Magic Kingdom were also fun adventures.  Below are some highlights from our trip! 

The Magic Kingdom!  Grace and Kaitlyn had a terrific day as did mommy and daddy.  We spent an entire day (9am - 12:30am) at the park.  The girls were absolutely perfect!  Thanks Mickey & Minnie for a fantastic day!

Say "Cheese" with Mickey Mouse!  Kaitlyn was thrilled to meet him...until she got up close.  This mouse was much larger than she imagined.  My dear friend, Sadee joined us at the park for a few hours.  It was SO wonderful to see her and catch up!

Family photo with our favorite mouse....Minnie!  

Kaitlyn and Daddy on the Aladdin ride, high up in the sky!  She was nervous at first, but warmed up to the ride quickly!  Aunt Lindsay and Grace rode along as well.

Meeting Sleeping Beauty, Grace's FAVORITE princess!  This was a highlight of her day!

My favorite pose ever!  Kaitlyn hugging Cinderella!  What a sweet moment and memory!

Daddy & Grace watching fireworks

Smiling with mommy

Grace and Chip from Beauty and the Beast!  

Another highlight of the day, Grace participating in a play for Belle.  She was the little teacup, Chip!

Smiling with Ariel from the Little Mermaid & cousin Kaylee.

How we all felt at the end of a FANTASTIC day at Disney.....EXHAUSTED!

Kaitlyn was determined to wear a sombrero and pose with the Senor Frog!  That was one FUN restaurant!

Jump Grace!  Jump!

We found Mickey & Minnie at Downtown Disney!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Valentine's Day Tradition

Baking Sugar Cookies and decorating them on (or around) Valentine's Day has become a tradition for us.  We always have a great time eating the batter, using cookie cutters to make shapes, and best of all....decorating the cookies with frosting and sprinkles!  

 Kaitlyn is focusing on the task at hand....putting red frosting on the heart sugar cookie.

 Grace decorating sugar cookies!

 Hmmm...this bit of frosting should probably go in my mouth!

 Yes, that was a great idea!  Who needs a cookie when one has a plastic knife with frosting on it!

 Grace busy frosting cookies and decorating with sprinkles.  Kaitlyn relaxing while eating the frosting.

 Fresh baked sugar cookies!

The final product!

Happy Birthday Kaitlyn!

February 9, 2013 - Kaitlyn Elizabeth Casterline turns 2!  I cannot believe my BABY is now a full fledged TODDLER!  Some highlights about this little girl (or as she would call herself "big girl")......Kaitlyn's best friend is her big sister, Grace.  Until recently, Grace was thrilled to have her little sis cling to her like a second shadow AND loved having someone to play with.  This was mainly b/c Grace was able to tell Kaitlyn "what to play with" and "how she should play".  Kaitlyn now has her own thoughts and opinions on how and what she wants to play with.  Most days, I sit back and let them figure it out...which most of the time they do.  Kaitlyn LOVES to give Hugs and is the best at cuddling.  She has yet to figure out how to climb OUT of her crib, but did figure out how to get IN her crib.  It involves "NASTICS" (gymnastics).  Kaitlyn climbs on the railing of her crib and then somersaults in.  She is very proud of this talent.  Kaitlyn's smile lights up the whole room, and makes the recipient of that smile want to smile right back.  She loves to perform for an audience by either dancing, twirling, or performing her "nastics".  Her favorite television shows are Mickey Mouse Clubhouse & Jake and the Neverland Pirates.  Other favorites include:  Minnie Mouse, her blanket & paci, M&Ms, chocolate of any kind, and trying her best to do whatever her big sis, Grace does.  I am amazed at how fast Kaitlyn has grown up.  She talks all of the time, and will even say 5 to 6 word sentences.  Most of her words are understood by people other than her parents and sister.  Grace continues to be the best translator for Kaitlyn!

I thank God daily for our sweet smiling little girl.  She completes our family.  Happy 2nd Birthday Kaitlyn Elizabeth!

Kaitlyn smiling with two of her absolute favorites - Balloons & Minnie Mouse!  She was thrilled to wake up on her birthday to see balloons around her crib.  

Birthday Pancakes!  What a treat!  It really is like having dessert for breakfast!  Birthday Pancakes and waking up to balloons all around are going to become a tradition!

It's my party and I'll Cry if I want TO!  The candles were a little overwhelming for the birthday girl. 

Now onto the Birthday party!  We traveled to Terre Haute to celebrate Kaitlyn's second birthday.  Family from both sides joined us in the celebration!

 The Minnie Mouse Birthday Cake!  My Aunt Leslie's friend made the cake.  It was beautiful and tasted great!  Kaitlyn's portion of the cake was the black hat!  

Some may call it corny, but I had a blast with the Minnie Mouse themed birthday party.  The following pictures portray my craziness for themed parties!  

Yes, I may have lost my mind!  But is sure was fun planning food to coordinate with the party!

 Kaitlyn Smiling with Minnie Mouse!  She was one happy 2 year old!

 Grace and Kaitlyn posing on the present table.  Grace was a big helper during the party!  She handed Kaitlyn each present to open.

                                                   Opening presents is serious business!

 A Minnie Mouse phone and backpack from Aunt Leslie & Uncle Eric!  The backpack and phone were  Kaitlyn's favorite gifts!

Of course the day is not complete without posing for a pic with mom!  Thanks Kaitlyn for slowing down long enough to snap this picture!