Saturday, June 1, 2013

A new baby "boy" cousin!

On April 5th, my sister Ashley had a precious baby boy!  I was BLESSED to be an aunt again!  Yes, the Miners finally have a boy around!  With four daughters and two granddaughters, my dad was thrilled to finally have a grandson.  :-)  Papa Miner, Grace, Kaitlyn, and I all headed to Rochester, MN to meet this little man the day he was born.   After 10 long hours of riding in the car, we finally made it.  Papa Miner was SO excited to meet Xavier that he left the girls and I alone to fend for ourselves in the hospital parking garage (meaning I had to get the girls presentable and direct all three of us through the Methodist Hospital - Mayo Clinc area!)  No big deal, Right?  

Thankfully, we were all able to stay about a week in MN and help Aunt Ashley out with Xavier.  Grace enjoyed cuddling with Xavier and making sure is paci remained in his mouth at all times!  We really enjoyed our time in MN and are SO happy that Xavier and Ashley now live in Terre Haute.  We love having them SO close to us.  Grace and Kailtyn are very much in LOVE with their baby cousin.  Welcome Xavier Douglas!  We are SO excited you are a part of our family!

Grace holding little Xavier at the hospital.  She loved holding her little cousin!

Isn't he such a cutie!  We love having a little boy on the Miner side.

Following in Grace and Kaitlyn's footsteps, Xavier LOVES his paci too!

Papa Miner with Xavier.

Of course I had to get a photo taken with this adorable little boy!

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