Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Week 36

Well I am a few days from being 36 weeks along. I go to the doctor on Thursday for my last two week checkup. From here on out I go once a week. Right now our little one is a little confused on her positioning. She is currently breech. If she has not figured out how to turn and be head down by week 37, my doctor will do a procedure forcing her to turn. I have heard that this is not a painful process....but it is not too comfortable either. At that point the doctor will go ahead and induce me. So, we could have a little girl in the next week and a half. I will keep you posted on how things go. Right now, a lot is up in the air. She could easily decide to turn tomorrow and not come until her due date....June 21st. Please keep all three of us in your thoughts and prayers.

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